Sinus infection and nasal secretions can be relieved with garlic or apple cider vinegar

Sinus infections usually require the use of antibiotics, but you can avoid this if you use some of the natural remedies.

Sinus infections are mostly of bacterial origin and are accompanied by pressure, swelling and secretion from the nose, and severe headaches and nervousness are inevitable. Allergies and colds can also be the cause of this problem. Natural medicine offers solutions that should be applied as soon as the first symptoms are felt, in order to prevent the development of infection.

Garlic – Preventively and as a remedy when symptoms start

Garlic, as one of the strongest natural antibiotics with anti-inflammatory properties, high content of vitamin C, vital sulfur compounds, which help strengthen immune function, as well as other enzymes and minerals important in preventing cold and flu viruses, can be of great help.

Regular consumption of garlic as part of the diet is one of the ways to prevent the appearance of these infections, and when the symptoms manifest, it should be eaten fresh or in the form of tablets every day, in order to speed up recovery. There are people for whom garlic “falls hard on the stomach” because it can cause acid reflux in those who have a more sensitive digestive system, so it is not recommended for them.

Garlic will be even more effective in case of sinus problems if you finely chop it, add a spoonful of honey, a little lemon juice and a little cayenne pepper (obtained from dried cayenne chili pepper seeds).

Eucalyptus or mint essential oils

Eucalyptus or mint essential oils have long been used to alleviate acute upper respiratory problems, from bronchitis to sinusitis. The intense smell of both of these herbs affects the opening and release of nasal passages. Eucalyptus and peppermint oils have natural antimicrobial properties, and are gentle enough to be applied directly to the nasal cavity.

One of the good ways to use it is to put it in a humidifier, which causes a passive but constant effect on the sinuses, preferably while you sleep and breathe evenly. According to a study by the University of Michigan, the active ingredient in eucalyptus oil, cineole, can speed up recovery from acute sinusitis when inhaled. Inhalation is also very effective.

Inhalation of herbal teas

Steam from boiling water certainly has an effect on dissolving secretions and cleansing the canals, and inhalation can also help heal inflammation or infection. The New York Sinus Center has published a study according to which the preparation of just one cup of some herbal tea, along with inhaling vapors, is a great way to alleviate inflammatory processes.

Chamomile, comfrey and marshmallow strengthen the respiratory system, and thyme, sage and flowers are called natural antimicrobial agents. Adding a slice of ginger (antimicrobial rich in potassium) or lemon (another antimicrobial with a high content of vitamin C) can also help dilute mucus and relieve sinus pressure.

Grapefruit seed extract

Made from grapefruit pulp and seeds, grapefruit seed extract acts as a natural antibiotic and antiseptic that stabilizes the body’s pH value, important in fighting infections.

Some studies have shown that grapefruit seed extract can help in the process of killing fungi and bacteria in the sinus cavity, if taken in the form of capsules or tablets. Those who are not prone to seasonal allergies can also use it to spray the nasal cavities by mixing it with saline or distilled water. With a few drops of extract, practice this rinsing 2 or 3 times a day until the symptoms subside or stop.

Apple cider vinegar against secretions and mucus

The high pH of apple cider vinegar helps to dilute and break down mucus, clean the airways and reduce swelling. Because it contains certain amounts of vitamins B1, B2, A, E, calcium, potassium and magnesium in trace amounts, it can reduce the symptoms of allergies that can trigger sinusitis.

With its natural antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties, apple cider vinegar is also an excellent aid in digestion and most likely cannot cause problems as in the case of garlic. Dilute one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a small glass of water, keep at room temperature, drink a little in the morning, then throughout the day. Be sure to use a straw to avoid affecting your tooth enamel.

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