Birch leaf against kidney and urinary tract diseases

For the treatment of diseased kidneys with the most success, a young birch leaf is given in the form of a fine powder, 3 to 4 times a day, 1 tablespoon or in the form of tea.

Steam a full spoonful of chopped leaves with two decilitres of boiling water, add baking soda to the tip of a knife and drink one spoonful several times a day.

The treatment lasts longer, but still helps in many cases.

And if you have high blood pressure

Other herbs are also given with success, often mixtures in which, in addition to birch, there were also bear grapes, barefoot, rastavica, troskot and mistletoe, but so far there has been the most success with pure birch leaves.

In case the patient also has high blood pressure, it is good to eat garlic and drink mistletoe and rutvica tea from time to time.

To treat urinary tract, add this

For the treatment of urinary tract inflammation, bearberry leaf tea and trifles with the addition or without the addition of birch leaves are most often used.

A combination of teas that is effective: equal parts of bearberry leaves, trifles, marshmallow flowers and sage leaves; or: birch, bearberry, licorice and corn silk. Sometimes, in recent times, this tea also appears; cherry stalks, birch leaf and selenium root.

If you have difficulty urinating

In case of difficult urination, teas are given, which consist mainly of corn silk, dandelion, cherry stalks, watermelon seeds, rabbit thorn, anise, primrose, juniper, white poplar bark, whole roots and oleander.

In our country, weeds are often used, and since the dose (quantity) is not known, too much is often taken, which makes the disease worse and the patient begins to wet the blood.

Therefore, you should be very careful when using these medications (especially vein) and you should always consult a doctor first.

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