Thyme cleanses the lungs, helps with painful menstruation and hangovers

Topically, thyme can be used to disinfect wounds and inflammatory processes on the skin such as ulcers, and is also effective for burns.

Thyme, also known in our country as thyme, is one of the most popular and widespread aromatic herbs. It was used as a spice in ancient Greece, but also as a medicinal plant. Its taste allows it to be perfectly combined with meat, potato or fish dishes, but also as an additive that aromatizes wines, liqueurs, brandies, vinegars and oils. It is indispensable in Mediterranean cuisine, and originates from those areas. It is interesting that it is often used for space decoration, but also as an opiate supplement.

Thyme is a plant that is one of the strongest antioxidants

Studies say that thyme, and especially its essential oil, has a strong antioxidant effect. The group of plants that are the strongest antioxidants (with a high concentration of antioxidants, ie> 75 mmol / 100g) includes oregano, sage, thyme, mint, cloves and cinnamon. In the case of thyme, this status is due to the high concentration of flavonoids and polyphenolic acids. Thyme essential oil contains thymol and carvacrol, which, in addition to antioxidant properties, also have antimicrobial properties. Studies have also confirmed the presence of some flavonoids, which are not found in other plants, such as eridictol. Thyme also contains biphenyls, thymol dimers and flavonoids, which are also rare and belong to synthetic antioxidants.

In which conditions is thyme most effective

The action of thyme is also antirheumatic, anticoagulant, antiseptic and aphrodisiac. It is effective as an antiparasitic, insecticide, natural preservative, and as a relaxant. It also contains vitamins A, C, D and B complex, tannin, borneol, saponins, tannin, glycosides, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and potassium.

In folk medicine, it is used to treat anemia, cramps, severe colds and fevers, constipation, bad breath and hangovers. It also helps with severe menstrual cramps. It has a calming effect on the stomach, both as a food supplement and as a natural preparation for establishing a better digestive regime. Children can also use it, on the advice of a doctor. It is in these cases that it works well as an antiparasitic. It can also help with coughing and clearing the lungs.

Thyme for local use

Topically, it can be used to disinfect wounds and inflammatory processes on the skin such as ulcers. It is also effective for burns. In the form of a coating, it helps with sprains, hematomas and bruises, as well as rheumatism. It is also interesting that it can alleviate toothaches.

Thyme tincture is effective for treating acne and subcutaneous pimples. It also has a soothing effect on skin that is prone to allergies and irritations. You can get an even better effect if you add a little honey to the thyme tea wrap. These dressings are good for people who have degenerative bone diseases, such as rickets.

How to make thyme tea that soothes, not makes you sleepy

Thyme tea has proven calming effects. It is especially good that it will not put you to sleep, but will relax you. If you are anxious, anxious, have insomnia or suffer from headaches, thyme tea is a great idea. In case of a cold, but also as a prevention for a sore and sore throat, rinse your mouth several times with it while gargling.

It is prepared simply: in a pot of hot water, break or chop one sprig of thyme, with a flower. Cool and strain.

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